Customer testimonials

"Himalaya Haat products are nice, my wife and daughter have been buying the apricot cream for some time and they like the quality."
- Sujata Jain
"The shop near Char Dukaan was nice to see, its a good change and very good initiative to support local people of the area. Products are nice and fairly priced."
- Julie Matthews
"We came on a holiday and saw this shop, so I bought a local variety of atta and honey. Loved both the items and hope we can get it in Delhi soon."
- Payal Mohapatra
"We visit our children studying here and were pleasantly surpassed to see the little shop selling natural products here. It is a good start, hope more people come and support them."
- Jayant Kala
"The honey and tea we bought from Greenlife store in Landour Cantt. were really good. And they should start delivering to other cities too."
- Hemendra Juneja
"Good Stuff, not a lot of options at the shop but liked what they had, my wife bought some soaps and creams, they should increase the range because the quality is good."
- Mukesh Goel
"A nice small shop of organic products in Mussoorie. We would love to visit again."
- Meena Gupta
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